Cause of popularity of facebook is often discussed among cyborgs and
one of my friend who is himself a facebook user recently urged me to
write upon this. You know when your days are boring, And you are
Sitting around doing nothing, You can't help accepting what your
friend Says you to do. So I started to think on why facebook is so
After all facebook has 4 million 'active' users Including me, as they
claims ( believe me, I don't believe this ) so what is the factor
behind this? And What is the reason of facebook being so much popular.
As far as I could Solve this mystery the cause is PCL 3 !!
Surprised?? It is not a chemical compound but my Abbreviation for
PHOTO , COMMENTS and LIKES. These three factor may be applied to any
Social networking Site. If after school l am able to Share my photos
of my School days and my friends are into my list, then it is What all
those like me wants...but this is available on all other sites like
orkut etc. And this is not what makes facebook popular. the factor
behind it is Its unique Comment feature at which you can Comment at
almost anything, like you Can even comment on result of application
You used ,or on Someone's status message. this feature is almost the
Soul of facebook. And it forced the Orkut developers to Adopt it. Then
comes LIKES. If you like the news that School will be closed every
weekend then express it. Unlike other sites where you have to type
your emotions, you Just have to click it and then See Your friends
Comment on it.
These three Factors makes the facebook , a facebook I think. I would
really LIKE to to Know your reasons and Suggestions through COMMENT.
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