About a week ago, a gang rape in Delhi took place that grabbed all the attention of media, not to mention that the same media which was just about 'Barking' on FDI forgot it in a flash and never mentioned it again!
If it is a coincidence that the gang rape took place at the exact time when Walmart disclosed that it had 'invested' millions of dollars to lobby for FDI (foreign direct investment) in retail, you shall keep it in mind that one rape takes place every 22 minutes in India! And if all of this media-drama is preplanned 'game show', then nothing could be a worse way to 'sell' the nation's dignity in my opinion.
Rape is worst of all the possible crime against women and it needs to be controlled. The control of any such incident needs serious law-enforcement not only for crime such as this but even for small crimes. Everybody has right to live in a peaceful society with no violence against anyone, not only women but men, too.
This particular incident saw a mass public protest and anger, all triggered by media - for a common cause. I appreciate the role of media in reporting this incident exactly it should, BUT, I am more saddened on
the death of a policeman during protest. How do you
establish a society of peace, tolerance and love? how do you prevent
rapes, murder and other heinous crimes? how do you protect the rights of
women? Its is not a child's play neither a childish one.
You need to
educate the society and groom it in a way that is deterrent for its member
in crime. And unfortunately, that grooming is probably in its worst phase in our
country. The place where people don't fear authority whether worldly or
supernatural, are like this only. A place where policeman considers himself superior to others, a place where politician's goal is to win the next election again and a place where nobody fears anybody would yield such consequences only. A place with such psychological outfit would not lead to
anything less than the incident of gang-rape that has taken place. I also totally oppose violent protests.
The best comment I have heard about violent protestors, although may be not be appropriate to mention but it reflects ground reality. Somebody said "why are these behen*hods becoming 'behen ke bhai' after the gang rape?". I personally know many of them who never think back even once before staring and passing comments at
those 'Behens' in crossed eyes.
Our social structure needs a great
reformation which shall be sped by education. I strongly feel that all of this 'High Drama' is to distract the public from the shame that has come to the country due to Walmart's disclosure. Sit back and don't get enraged because you
are a member of society with dual behavior...on one hand it sells
alcohol and on the other hand it teaches you to behave when you are drunk.
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